Why did the Australian government cancel 457 visa?
The reason for this sudden change is that Australian workers
come first. There are many advantages in a country of foreign skilled workers,
but they can not be obtained from Australians. In the new visa conditions, if
competent Australians are not available, the business can temporarily use and
extend external staff to cope with weaknesses.
Temporary Skills (TSS) visa will have two streams - Short
time and interval
Registered Opportunities Listings (CSOL) for a short list of
temporary services (STSOL) are forwarded.
A short-term accommodation and no one will allow a visa for
two years without possible sensible rehabilitation. STSOL will work.
Medium stream will be less than four years slow work.
Temporary residence qualifications can only take place within three years (not
according to the previous visa) And there is a need for higher levels of
English. MLTSL will work.
There are certain processes that will apply to both roots:
- A new career list will be used to concentrate on the lack of skills
- Applicants need at least two years of work
- Check out criminal history you will be responsible
- Non-apartheid tests ensure the discrimination of Australian employees
- Labor market inspections are compulsory
- Employers must pay salaries related to the Australian market
Who is involved?
457 visa owners are currently not treated.
Changes will be processed and the new TS visa will have a
full impact on March 2018. Job listing slowly reduced 435 jobs from 216
Also, 59 of these traders have restrictions and 24 are
banned only in the Australian district.
An applicant who requested a 457 visa before or before April
19, and is still waiting for the answer, but those who are deleted from the new
job list may qualify to return because the visa will no longer work.
If your selected job is still a new job list it may be
subject to certain restrictions. Your app will be tested to determine whether
this app works in your app. It affects all 457 visa applications that were used
before and after April 1972 after or after April 1972 and still awaiting the
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